site du Panthéon

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This course considers the international aspects of taxation and provides an introduction to the key issues of this branch of international law.
It highlights current practical issues faced by corporate taxpayers and States.

This course deals with the main features of competition laws (anticompetitive practices and merger control) in the context of regional economic integration : EU competition law as a model.
The objectives and skills targeted are to acquire knowledge of European and international competition rules, both with regard to purpose and content, and with regard to application.

The course will focus on the main rules and principles applying to International Public-
of an international PPP – Categories of contracts – Allocation of risks - Litigation related to State contracts.

The first part of the international financing module offers a general introduction to international financing. after a general overview of the subject matter, the course exposes
the general problem of determining the applicable law to an international financial transaction.
It then focuses on certain key issues from a practical and theoretical standpoint, regarding international payment and international credit. The course aims at providing a general knowledge and understanding of legal issues regarding financing in an international context, as to the determination of the applicable law and to the proper analysis of certain major operations of international financing (documentary credit, euro-credits, first-demand guarantees, stand-by letters of credit).

The objectives of this course is to acquire an in-depth knowledge of the legal and contractual mechanisms governing the conclusion and performance of international contracts.

The aim of this course is to provide a general understanding of the legal framework related to the protection of the environment and the legal consequences of environmental damages caused by states or by private parties in order to develop a systematic and integrative legal approach to environmental concerns.

This course will enable you to develop your knowledge of dispute resolution through international arbitration (commercial, investment) and to master the principles governing arbitration agreements, procedures and awards.

The course leads students through an in-depth analysis of the cross-border M&A process and the contracts applicable to international cooperation between companies belonging to different countries.